Chase the Blue Card! The Rapidmon Moment (JP)Duel with the Deva (EN) Original Airdates:July 29, 2001 (JP)November 3, 2001 (EN) Two more Devas to fight this time, a bull and a lamb. We take a trip to Akiba, the Mecca of all tech and the holy grounds of weebs. We also learn a fascinating secret Henry's dad has been hiding as well as how Digimon...
Protect the Light of the Town! Dangerous Camp of the Digimon (JP)Back to Nature, Back to Battle (EN) Original Airdates:July 15, 2001 (JP)November 3, 2001 (EN) Jack's Notes: Changing up how I do my comparisons a bit. Instead of inserting *silence* where there was no dialogue, I'm gonna have nothing after their names. So if Takato doesn't have any lines in the sub it's: Takato:...
Giant Snake Appearance! Ōedo Line Great Panic (JP)Snakes, Trains, and Digimon (EN) Original Writer:  Dub Writers: Original Airdates:July 8, 2001 (JP)October 27, 2001 (EN) Everyone finally gets along! We're introduced to a scary snake Digimon. But with powers combined, three champions can easily defeat an ultimate! Even though they couldn't in the last episode. Jenrya: "We're the only ones who can stop the Digimon that come into...
Stand Up, Tamers! MegaloGrowmon Super Evolution! (JP)Grow Mon Grow (EN) Original Airdates:July 1, 2001 (JP)October 20, 2001 (EN) Violence is never the answer! Except it is! All the time. And when you're too weak to fight, just Digivolve to fight the bad guy! Culumon: "Quickstep-"Culumon: *Cries*Calumon: "Leave me alone!!!!"Calumon: "What do you want from me you big bully?"English Dub grinds my gears so so much....
The Order to Capture the Digimon! The Sinister Foreboding (JP)Juggernaut (EN) Original Airdates:June 24, 2001 (JP)October 13, 2001 (EN) We learn all about friendship this week! And how to communicate when something is bothering someone to their friend. Then we get a cliffhanger! Takato: "Guilmon Card Slash!"Takato: "Alright! We won, Guilmon! Well done! Guilmon: *Silence*Takato: "Get more and more stronger, so you can evolve, okay?"Takato:...
Ruki and Renamon - Crisis of the Bond! (JP)Divided They Stand (EN) Original Airdates:June 17, 2001 (JP)October 6, 2001 (EN) Ruki/Rika and Renamon are still fighting. We get a bit of backstory on Impmon. Truly heartbreaking stuff. And Guilmon makes a new friend! Reika: "However, we did detect a slight disturbance in the waves."Yamato: *Silence*Reika: *Silence*Yamato: "So that's what's been going on."Riley: "Sir, I"ve detected...
Shinjinku Railroad Bridge, Duel for a Minute and a Half! (JP)Much Ado About Musyamon (EN) Original Writer:  N/ADub Writers: Steve Blum Original Airdates:June 10, 2001 (JP)October 6, 2001 (EN) Laurie's Notes: This was a good episode! Not too many changes, and not too many lame jokes. Minus Terriermon's tutu obsession. Henry/Jenyra doesn't want Terriermon to fight no matter what. Except what happens when there's no...
Renamon is my Friend! Ruki's Hesitation (JP)The Ice Cometh (EN) Original Writer:  N/ADub Writers: Adele Lim Original Airdates:June 3, 2001 (JP)September 29, 2001 (EN) Laurie's Notes: This was a dark and kinda creepy episode, especially when IceDevimon was hitting on Rika. I did enjoy how much this was focused on Rika and Renamon. They were always my favorite Ruki/Rika tries to figure out what Digivolution...
Go back to Guilmon! The Growmon Incident (JP)Not As Seen On TV (EN) Original Writer:  N/ADub Writers: Seth Walther Original Airdates:May 27, 2001 (JP)September 29, 2001 (EN) Laurie's Notes: I don't really understand the Dubs Episode Title.....They didn't talk about TV shows or anything. In fact the whole episode focused on getting Grow/lmon back to Guilmon. Along with a lot of added dialgoue, this episode...
Guilmon Evolves! Decisive Battle in West Shinjinku (JP)A Question of Trust (EN) Original Writer:  N/ADub Writers: Terri Lei O'Malley Original Airdates:May 20, 2001 (JP)September 22, 2001 (EN) Laurie's Notes: This was a pretty interesting episode comparison wise. Impmon had some pretty big adjustments made to his character which I found fascinating. I'm liking his Sub counterpart a lot more. Someone's been pranking the couples at...
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