Digimon Adventure S01E08

Messenger of Darkness Devimon! (JP)
Evil Shows His Face (EN)
Written by:
EN: Dayna Barron and John Ludin
First aired:
JP: April 25, 1999
EN: September 22, 1999

There are butts in this comparison!
No, I’m not talking about the guy who wrote it! The kids take a bath, and there’s a scene where we see Taichi, Yamato, and Jou’s little boy booties. The offending screen caps and video are under a spoiler tag so you can keep them hidden until you’re ready for the cartoon butts.

At the summit of the mountain, the kids find a wide vista that grants them view of the whole island, which is okay but profoundly unhelpful due to aforementioned “island”. They exit the mountain to find they’ve run afoul of two of its residents, who make something of a half-assed attempt to drive them away. Half-assery notwithstanding, the children leave the mountain in favor of a forest, where they find much more welcoming accommodations in the form of a semi-abandoned villa. After dining and bathing, they settle in for a good night’s rest. This time, however, they’ve run afoul of the villa’s residents, who are the same Digimon as the mountain residents. They have multiple residences. Anyway: this time, the attempt to drive them out is overkill-assed, and the entire island breaks apart. The kids are all sent flying away in different directions, but at least they still have their beds with them — except Tai, because he was foolish enough to get out of bed. Amateur mistake.

[Jou et al have arrived at the top of the mountain they’d climbed all night]
Jou: “Unbelievable… this place was really…”
Joe (?): “This place could really use a good bus system.”
Matt: “Yeah, but it looks like we’re at the end of the line.”
Joe: “We’re doomed!”
“Joe (?)” because it sounds like Joe, but he’s not walking with Matt and the others. Matt’s too far away from Joe to hear him.
Jou: “… an island! What do we do now? WHAT DO WE DO~?”
Joe: “Trapped on an island… We’ll never get out of here alive… I knew I wouldn’t like camp, but would my folks listen to me?! Noooo… I wanted to go to summer school!”
[Elsewhere, some lion guy sees a black gear flying around]
Lion guy: “Another one… I must do something about this quickly.”
Lion guy: “Another black gear! … I sense danger!”
I love the way he delivers this line, because he says it right when Ogremon comes into view.
[Some ogre guy was waiting atop a rock to ambush lion guy!]
Ogre guy: “Eat this, Leomon!”
Ogre guy: “RAAAH, Pummel Whack!”

Narrator: “Leomon: a proud Beast-Man Digimon with a deep sense of justice. His special attack is Beast King Fist.”
Ogremon: “Leomon, you may be mighty, but now you face me, Mojo Jojo! Your kind-hearted leadership is unimpressive.”
Oh, snap! Are you gonna let him talk smack about your kind-hearted leadership like that, Leomon??
Narrator: “Ogremon: an evil Digimon whose anger gives him destructive power.”
Leomon: “Ogremon, you are truly the most EVIL of the bad Digimon! There is no limit to your ruthlessness!”
Damn, that means dissing your leadership wasn’t even the worst of it…
Special attacks in the original are most often at least partially in English rather than Japanese, but Leomon and Ogremon are exceptions with Beast King Fist (juuouken 「獣王拳」) and Supreme King Fist (haouken「覇王拳」). Beast King Fist is “Fist of the Beast King”, which sounds cool, in the dub. Ogremon’s Supreme King Fist is usually either unnamed or called “Pummel Whack”, the same name given to his Bone Club attack.

In this first episode with them, Leomon and Ogremon’s voice actors are really not into their roles yet. It’s actually not as bad as I remembered! We’re not talking grade-school play-level acting here, but it’s a big departure from what we’ll hear from both of them in the future. Both actors – Paul St. Peter for Leomon and Beau Billingslea for Ogremon – work it out very quickly. Who knows what was going on in the recording booth that day?
In the meantime, though, their conversations are stilted and a little Speed Racer-like. It’s pretty great.

In all Digimon Analyzer screens, the dub replaces the katakana of the Digimon names with roman characters, and they remove the smaller roman spelling that’s present in the Japanese version.

In this one case, it’s a good thing they do, because:

That’s not a typo – “Orgemon” is the official romanization in Japanese media, although some sources do use the spelling “Ogremon”. The katakana reads “ŌGAMON” 「オーガモン」 (could also be written as “OOGAMON” or “OHGAMON”) , and “or” is ordinarily transliterated as Ō/OH/OO in katakana.
Ogremon is described as resembling an oni 「鬼」, which commonly translates to ogre (it can also mean demon or ghost), so it’s fairly safe to accept it as a misspelling of the word. Either way, it’s not a big deal; either spelling is valid when referring to the Japanese version of the character. So, if you intend to write “Ogremon” but accidentally write “Orgemon” instead: not a typo; you’re still correct.

[Ogremon has attacked, Leomon has blocked, and both of their weapons have been knocked away]
Ogremon: “This ain’t a place for ‘good boys’ like you to hang around! Go back where you came from!”
Ogremon: “No one asked you here. No one wants you here.”
Ogremon: “I strongly suggest that you go NOW, while you still can.”
[Leomon explains that black gears are coming from the mountain and causing mischief, and he can’t just ignore it]
Ogremon: “Then I’ll make you eat it! Supreme King Fist!”
Ogremon: “What a joke. You have been warned.”

The Chosen Children are called the DigiDestined in the dub. That is a stupid name.

[A mysterious voice interrupts their battle]
Voice: “From now on, you two will cooperate with one another.”
Leomon: “This voice is…”
Ogremon: “Devimon…”
Voice: “I command that the two of you work together for me, not fight! You will work for ME!”
Leomon: “I’ll never do that!”
Ogremon: “Neither will I!”
Ha HA! Didn’t expect THAT, did you?

Narrator: “Devimon: a cunning and cruel devil of the Digimon’s world. His special attack, Death Claw, grabs his opponent’s heart.”
Devimon: (without moving his mouth) “Be silent, for I am DEVIMON, ultimate ruler of the demon underworld! You must obey my every command!”
Hand tools are censored, but demon underworlds are a-okay! Death Claw is called the “Touch of Evil” in the dub.
Dub Devimon is much more aggressive and hammy than his original quiet, weirdly serene demeanor. He’s a lot less creepy and a lot more kooky!

Like my earlier note about Monzaemon, Devimon was referred to as “Darkmon” in the early virtual pet days, presumably to remove the “devil” thing. The dub of the anime… well, uncensored it.

Ogremon: “Don’t joke around! Why do I have to cooperate with this guy?!”
Ogremon: “Sir. You don’t need that joker. I can handle whatever you want done without anyone’s assistance.”
Ogremon is surprisingly polite, albeit confused. He seems to have forgotten telling Devimon that he won’t work for him.
Devimon: “The Chosen Children have arrived.”
Devimon: “I think not! It is the Digi-destined KIDS we’ll be fighting!”
[Devimon: “Yes!”]
[Ogremon: “As in actual children?”]
[Devimon: “The tiniest children!”]
[Leomon: “I’m out.”]
[Ogremon: “I’m in.”]
Devimon: “It is taking quite some time to defeat them…”
Leomon: “Then the one I will defeat is you, Devimon! Beast King Fist!”
Devimon: “They’re already here on Infinity Mountain — now find them and destroy the entire group!”
Leomon: “Destroy them? I’ll destroy you for having threatened the DigiDestined!”
Ha HA, Devimon! He threw that one right back in your face!
Devimon: “Naïve… You thought you could defeat me with that? Death Claw!”
Devimon: “Please, Leomon! I am not requesting cooperation; I am demanding it! Prepare… for the TOUCH OF EVIL!”
Can we not call it that? That’s not a thing I want to be prepared for.
Devimon: “Accept your baptism of evil.”
Devimon: “Now you will obey my every command!”
Evil baptisms have fallen out of practice in the dub’s demon underworld – too many occupational hazards involved.
Leomon: “…”
Leomon: (hunched over and not moving his mouth) “Yes… I will obey.”
Leomon is under Devimon’s control now, so I guess dub Devimon needed the additional reassurance.
[Taichi is drawing a map from atop the mountain. The rest of his friends have now joined them there]
Koushirou: “I see, that’s a good idea!”
Izzy: “Yes, that works in theory.”

In theory, he doesn’t have to be a dick… but he’s not wrong…
Yamato: “That isn’t very useful at all.”
Matt: “No question, man: you are the DUDE of DOODLES!”
Sora: “Taichi never was good at drawing.”
Sora: “If you follow that map, it’ll lead right to a headache!”
Why is Sora so fixated with headaches? Maybe try loosening your weird hat-helmet.
Jou: “Drawing a map is useless… it’s all hopeless…”
Mimi: “Why did things have to turn out like this…?”
Palmon: “Mimi…”
Joe: “We don’t need a map to know we’re totally lost! I figured that out a long time ago…”
Mimi: “I just figured out that these gloves really don’t go with this dress.”
Palmon: “How sad.”
The real tragedy of the situation.
[They hear something in the distance and wonder what it might be]
No dialogue.
Joe: “I don’t know, but I have a feeling we’re going to wait here to find out!”
Sora: “At least it won’t be a long wait.”
I kind of like how Joe’s lines would be cheekily self-aware if they didn’t then walk towards the noise instead of waiting there.
[It’s Leomon, friend to all!]
Patamon: “Ah, it’s Leomon!”
Takeru: “‘Leomon’?”
Patamon: “Leomon is a good Digimon!”
Gabumon: “He’s a very strong Digimon of justice!”
Leomon: “The children… DEFEAT THEM!”
Patamon: “Don’t worry! Leomon is our friend…”
T.K.: “…with big teeth!”
Patamon: “He just uses them for smiling.”
Gabumon: “He’s a just leader and role model for all Digimon!”
Leomon: “I want the children!”
… “to be my pals”..? D:
[Rumors of Leomon’s friendliness were greatly exaggerated]
Yamato: “Run!”
Joe: “Call me paranoid, but I think it’s time we run!”

In the dub, it fades to black for a commercial break. When the show comes back, though, some scenes are moved.
Japanese and dub version before the break:
- Sora, Yamato, Taichi, and Koushirou staring at Leomon.
- Leomon drawing his knife.
- The kids turn to run away.
- Leomon jumps over where the ledge broke away.
- The children running over the hill.
Dub version after the break:
- Leomon draws his knife.
- A shot of Mimi, T.K., and Palmon from earlier when they heard Leomon approaching.
- The shot of Sora, Tai, Izzy, and Matt staring at Leomon.
- Leomon jumps over where the ledge broke away.
- The children running over the hill.
No idea.
The dub scene shown is what plays after the return from adverts. The dub does place the scene in the original order before the commercial break.

[Taichi drops the map he had put so much effort into and goes after it. Agumon uses Baby Flame to ward off Leomon and burns it up — not on purpose because it was ugly and useless or anything; he would never]
Agumon: “Taichi, sorry! I burned your map!”
Taichi: “It can’t be helped!”
Agumon: “Sorry about your map.”
Tai: “That’s okay! At least it didn’t fall into the hands of the enemy!”
Imagine what Leomon, who lives on File Island, could have done if he knew how to get around!
[The children flee from their imminent doom]
No dialogue.
Matt: “Don’t slow down, Joe! He’s right behind us!”
[A new New Friend cuts off their escape route]
Ogremon: “Welcome!”
Ogremon: “And just where do you think you’re going?”
Ogremon: “I was waiting for you! Prepare to die!”
Ogremon: “Well, children, so good of you to stop by!”
So hospitable! He might as well offer them a cup of tea.
Patamon: “It’s Ogremon!”
Takeru: “Is he really a good Digimon, too?”
Gomamon: “He’s definitely a bad guy!”
Patamon: “He look hungry to you?”
T.K.: “We’re too small to eat, and I’m full of junk food!”
Gomamon: “Well, he’s not against a little snack…”
Where is Tentomon? ._.
Leomon: “Defeat… the Chosen Children!”
Leomon: “Make it easy on yourselves… give up now, or else!”
While evil-baptized, “defeat the Chosen Children” is nearly the only thing Leomon says in the original. He does get a few variations here and there, but he doesn’t converse or form independent thoughts.
[Leomon and Ogremon have the children trapped in a pincer formation]
Yamato: “Damnit, we’re trapped between them!”
Matt: “I don’t see an exit door!”
Matt seems to have bad luck with doors.
Koushirou: “Their strategy was to corner us from the start!”
Izzy: “This proves the theory that well-executed teamwork is efficient even for bad guys.”
Well, don’t say that where they can hear you! Maybe they haven’t figured it out yet!
Devimon: “Even though they’re tired, fighting against six at once is rather severe…”
Devimon: (thinking) “They have learned the secret of teamwork!”
The worst part is they learned it by watching your boys work together… after you told them to…
Devimon: (thinking) “This group of six attacking together is quite dangerous! But why hasn’t the Patamon digivolved?”
He’s just not a secret team player.
[Devimon used Rock Slide!]
Jou: “It’s a rock slide!”
Joe: “Avalanche! Watch out!”
Maybe Joe should have gone to summer school…

In the dub, the kids are not aware that snow is a key ingredient of an avalanche, and they refer to the rock slide as one accordingly. Though an “avalanche” is snow or ice by definition, the word is sometimes colloquially used for landslides. Team Pedantic Nerd Izzy does not point out the geologic distinction.

[It’s not very effective…]
Taichi: “Everyone, are you okay??”
Yamato: “Yeah, somehow!”
Mimi: “No more of this!”
Matt: “Ho, yeah. Like a day at the beach!”
Mimi: “I think I need a facial!”

No, the Flanderization of Mimi will not stop. It can be rather funny sometimes, but for the most part, it’s just the worst.

[New Friends have disappeared]
Sora: “Those guys are…?”
Koushirou: “That’s right! Ogremon is…!”
Tentomon: “… ain’t here.”
Palmon: “Leomon also.”
Sora: “Poor B.O….”
Look, nobody’s had a shower in a while!
Izzy: “Hey, what happened to the bad guys?”
Tai: “They just disappeared!”
Palmon: “Are you sure?!”
Joe calls out “Hellooo” down the side of the cliff, as though he’s calling for the dudes who were just trying to kill them, like a jackass. “Hello to you, too, buddy. Please die!”
Sora: “Neither Leomon nor Ogremon can fly, right?”
Sora: “Neither of them had wings, so I’m sure they weren’t airworthy.”
Fun fact: “airworthy” means something can fly safely (not to be confused with something that can fly but will be damaged or crash). The word for something simply being able to fly is “volant”!
[Indeed, neither Leomon nor Ogremon are volant or airworthy]
Jou: “T-then we’re saved! How lucky!”
Joe: “Nothing is logical here! Anything is bound to happen, including flying monsters!”
Sora: “For once, you may be right, Joe!”

Pffff– NO
[Taichi ponders the rock slide]
Koushirou: “When the ledge was destroyed earlier, it could have made a crack in the rocks.”
Izzy: “Stress accumulates until a crack develops, and with excess weight, the terra firma suddenly isn’t so firm-a.”
No dialogue.
Tai: “You think so? It looked to me like something blasted it loose.”
You weren’t even looking up there.
[Heckin’ chonkers aside, some of the Digimon evolved twice in one day. Maybe the Digimon are getting stronger]
Koushirou: “Oh, yeah. That’s possible!”
Izzy: “A fascinating hypothesis! If only we could test it…”
Okay, you’re not even trying to science. Here, let me help: Palmon, slap Izzy. Hard.
Mimi: “Are you all right, Palmon?”
Palmon: “I’m not all right at all.”
Mimi: “Palmon’s looking very tired.”
Palmon: “I’ve been tired before; don’t worry!”
UGH, you and your excuses!
[Yamato suggests looking for a place to rest]
Sora: “Yeah. We’re also pretty [tired]…”
Sora: “Rest where? I don’t wanna sleep on the ground!”

“… again.”
[The children have gone a-wanderin’, and they come across a villa in the middle of the woods]
Izzy: “We may have found other lifeforms! Look at the grounds! I mean, somebody had to have mowed the lawn!”

Jeez, kid, this isn’t that difficult. Palmon, where are we on that slap?
Jou: “This time, there’s no doubt there must be humans living in it!”
Joe: “I hope they have a hot tub… just as long as it’s not too hot.”
… Story of my life, Joe!
[Jou makes a run for the door]
Yamato: “Wait! It’s dangerous to go in suddenly!”
Tai: “Wait, you guys, don’t just go charging in there! It might be dangerous!”
Yamato telling people not to charge head-first into certain doom is consistent considering that was his position on going up the mountain last episode. Tai is all about charging head-first into certain doom, so what’s happening here? Is he just jealous that someone else is going to get to the certain doom first?
[Taichi hesitates]
Agumon: “What’s wrong, Taichi?”
Taichi: “This building… I didn’t see it from up above.”
Agumon: “You didn’t draw it on the map?”
Taichi: “About that…”
Agumon: “Hey, was this on your map?”
Tai: “Hmm, somehow I don’t think so.”
Matt: “Go ahead, Joe. Open the door!”
Joe: “Maybe we should knock first.”
Matt: “Joe, nobody knocks on the door at a hotel.”

The building they’re at is a manor or villa. By the fact that we’ll soon see it has a large bedroom with several beds, it functions more as a hostel (lodging with shared rooms) than a hotel. The kids aren’t inside yet, though, so they wouldn’t know that.

Jou: “Excuse us! Is anyone here?”
Joe: “I don’t see a desk clerk. Anybody here?”
… just take your damn shoes off.
Yamato: “There doesn’t seem to be anything strange about this place.”
Koushirou: “About that, there’s an eerie feeling here…”
Joe: “Well, it doesn’t look or feel weird to me.”
Izzy: “Perhaps my definition of weird is different than yours.”
Big houses are always weird. Who needs that many rooms?!
[Takeru spots a lovely painting of an angel on the wall]
Patamon: “Takeru, what’s an angel?”
Takeru: “Hm… that is…” (he doesn’t have an explanation)
Patamon: “What’s an angel, T.K.?”
T.K.: “Something special that watches over you. Kinda like you guys!”
[Jou insists that an evil Digimon wouldn’t have such exquisite taste in paintings]
Sora: “Well, it certainly is getting more difficult to set up camp.”
[The Digimon are asleep at their feet]
Yamato: “It can’t be helped.”
Sora: “Relax; we just want to be careful. And talk quieter, or you’ll wake everybody up.”
[The Digimon are snoozin’]
Matt: “They’re out like a light!”
[They decide to crash here.
Taichi: “Let’s go, everyone!”
Mimi: “I hope they have a dress shop. I’ve never worn the same thing two days in a row before.”
Izzy: “Let’s take a nap later.”
Sora: “Now that we’re in here, I guess it can’t be helped.”
Taichi: “Let’s search around.”
Tai: “Well, no crowd. We must have missed the summer rush!”
Sora: “We keep missing everything.”
Tai: “This is one kooky, mixed-up world.”
Yesterday you came across a refrigerator in the middle of nowhere full of eggs, but the empty house is what prompts the “kooky, mixed up” diagnosis?

Screw this, I’mma go get a snack from my outside egg-fridge.

Some dialogue was left out of the dub. Nothing important to the plot — just Jou gushing over how lucky they are, Agumon saying the food was fine, and Tentomon’s line below.
Tentomon: “Eatin’ food this delicious is almost deservin’ of punishment!”
Mimi: “Everyone’s eating, but their table manners are appalling.”
T.K.: “Guess that’s cause they like it!”
Jou: “I-I’m gonna eat! Isn’t it okay to think we’re just a little lucky?!”
Joe: “That’s it, I can’t bear to look any longer! I’M GONNA EAT IT. At least I won’t die hungry!”
“Die”, indeed!

Seems that Jou’s been emboldened by his mountain adventure, and he’s letting himself be more optimistic compared to last episode, where he was overly cautious and reluctant to take those outside-fridge eggs. It’s not even been that long since the egg feast, so it’s not as though he’s starving – he’s just letting go a little bit.
Joe, on the other hand, has embraced his mortality and is prepared to plunge into the void in exchange for a meal – and again: he’s not even that hungry yet. Or maybe he’s feeling ready to die because he ate loads of eggs the day before. I’ve been there.

[Jou sits down to eat]
Jou: “Let’s eat!”
Joe: “On your mark, get set…” *OM NOM NOM*
[Hell yeah, food time!]
Taichi: “Me too!”
Mimi: “Me too!”
Koushirou: “Me too!”
Takeru: “I’ll eat, too!”
Yamato: “Hey, Takeru!” *stomach growls* “… I’ll eat too!”
Sora: “I guess if we’re hungry, it’s inevitable!”
Jou: “I’ve never had such delicious cooking in my entire life!!”
Oh, gourd… here we go:
Mimi: “Lobster! Maître d’, is there a table with a view?”

Pictured: the only table
Takeru: “Mmm, peanut butter and pickles! This is the best pizza EVER!”

Pictured: zero pizzas
Tai: “Okay, if one of us gets sick, we ALL get sick! That’s teamwork, too!”Tentomon: :3
Sora: (rudely talking over Tai) “Please pass the mashed potatoes!”

Pictured: zero potatoes of any prepation
Izzy: “Potato chips, chocolate chips, fish and chips – I’ll have any kind of chips!”

Pictured: should we be concerned that these children can’t recognize food?
T.K.: “What are we havin’ for dessert?”

That thing
[Night has fallen, and it’s bath time!]
Yamato: “Hey, don’t jump in!”
Taichi: “Ah, don’t say stuff like that! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a bath.”
Tai: “Heads up, Matt!”
Matt: “Watch the hair, dude!”
Tai: “Is that what that is? I thought some bird made a nest on your head!”
Tai is either very confused about what a bird’s nest looks like, or he’s projecting hard.
Koushirou: “Really! Who’d have thought this place would have a bath?”
Izzy: “Warm water is perfect for removing soil and epidermis. You know, dirt and dead skin?”
Uh… I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to remove the epidermis on account of that being the several outermost layers of skin. You need those.

Incidentally, over-exfoliating those layers can be unhealthy! The epidermis is your primary barrier against pathogens and harmful chemicals, and those layers — even if the cells aren’t living — help trap water to keep the lower layers hydrated.

Koushirou: “I can feel the tension draining from me.”
Tentomon: “In that case, should I add some electricity?”
Koushirou: “No, it’s fine…”
Tentomon: “Whenever my skin gets dirty, I just shed it.”
Izzy: “That would be difficult for me!”
Tentomon doesn’t molt, and Izzy, being human, sheds those aforementioned dead skin cells constantly. Izzy gets an ‘F’ for effort. Tentomon, however, tried to convince Izzy to remove his own skin rather than offering to out-right electrocute him like in the original. I think we all would have liked to have seen that. Tentomon, you get an ‘A’!
[Jou finally shows up for bathtime wearing a towel around his waste]
Yamato: “That’s the number one thing I can’t forgive.” (Taichi looks confused) “A guy shrewdly guarding himself in an all-men’s bath.”
Taichi: “I agree!”
Matt: “Hey, don’t be shy; there aren’t any girls here.” (Tai looks confused) “Come on in. So far, we haven’t found any sharks in the water.”
Taichi: “No big ones!”
We’re gonna need a smaller boat.

(Retained) Jou wibbles in terror.
(1 sec) Yamato and Taichi run up to Jou and proceed to relieve him of his towel.
(Retained) Cut to the ladies’ bath, where Gomamon is also soaking. He is hurled over the partition into the boy’s bath and lands on Jou’s head.
(3 sec) Gomamon and Jou lying unconscious.
Jou: “Uh… w-what are you doing?”
Patamon: “What are they doing?”
Tentomon: “I don’ understan’ humans.”
Jou: “Let me go! Aaah, sto~p!!”
Joe: “It looks cold!”
Patamon: “Humans can be so silly!”
Tentomon: “Humans aren’t the only silly ones! Where’s Gabumon?”
[We see Gabumon bashfully waiting outside the bath]
Patamon: “He’s not silly — just shy!”
Joe: “I’ll get in, but I won’t guarantee that I’ll like it!”
Joe: "I hope they have a hot tub... just as long as it's not too hot."[/FLASHBACK]
Ain’t no pleasin’ you…

[Later, they enter a large room full of beds]
Takeru: “It’s soft!”
T.K.: “Only thing better is bunk beds!”
Koushirou: “It’s a real bed! It has sheets and everything!”
Izzy: “Boy, this feels great! Last time I had a bed this soft, I was dreaming!”
The disbelief is understandable considering their situation. The first bed you sleep in after sleeping on the ground feels pretty awesome.
Mimi: “This feels like outdoors school!”
Jou: “It’s not ‘feels like’; we’re supposed to be in summer camp to begin with, so…” *sees that he’s bummed everyone out* “… sorry.”
Mimi: “How I’ve missed sleeping on soft, silky sheets!”
Joe: “I’ll tell you what I don’t miss! I don’t miss hiking through the blazing hot desert. And another thing I really don’t miss is starving in the jungle…” *bummage* “Oh, we are a long way from home. … …sorry.”
This is like the third time you’ve managed to bum everyone out in the past 24 hours, Joe. It’s a good character trope for you!
Taichi: “That’s right. We all left thinking we were just going to an ordinary camp.”
Tai: “That’s okay, Joe. We all miss being home, and I’m sure that we’re all wondering if we’ll ever get back there.”
When did Tai become sensitive to others’ feelings?
Wait a minute… warning the other kids not to rush into danger… considering how others feel… thinking the bird’s nest was on anyone’s head but his own…
THIS ISN’T THE REAL TAI. He must be an illusion created by our enemies to lure us into trap with a false sense of safety!
Yamato: “Today’s the fifth day since we came to File Island. The school and neighborhood association must be in an uproar.”
Takeru: *cries* ;o;
Mimi: “Papa… Mama….”
Sora: “Let’s get some sleep for today. The Digimon are tired, too.”
Taichi: “Right. G’night!”
All: “Good night”.
Matt: “I’ll bet our disappearance caused a big fuss at school and all over town, but we’ve been gone so long, everybody must have given up looking for us by now!”
T.K.: “Mom and dad wouldn’t stop.”
Mimi: “I’m homesick… aren’t you?”
Sora: “We’ll find our way back. Don’t worry, Mimi.”
Mimi: “Let’s just go to sleep and try to have nice dreams…”
“Good night”s
Don’t fall asleep — there’s an imposter among you!

The scene above where the kids are talking before going to sleep is accompanied by a sad, gentle piano in the original. The music in the dub version is way too light-hearted and upbeat- the kind of music they could be baking muffins to and it would fit just as well.

[Devimon emerges from the lovely painting of an angel hanging in the entrance hall. Ogremon and Leomon join him shortly thereafter]
Ogremon: “I’ll smash them up at any time!”
Leomon: “Defeat the children.”
Devimon: “Ready?”
Ogremon: “What a joy to be rid of the DigiDestined at last, even though they arrived five days ago and I only found out about it this morning.“
Devimon: “And you, Leomon?”
Leomon: “I cannot disobey your orders!”
Taichi: “Can’t you go to the bathroom by yourself?”
Agumon: “You’re scared to go to the bathroom by yourself at night, too.”
Taichi: “That’s not true! I’ve over that already.”
“Tai”: “I can go to the bathroom by myself.”
Agumon: “I don’t mind keeping you company, Tai. It’s dark and scary here!”
“Tai”: “For your information, I happen to like the dark! Stop treating me like a kid!”
“Tai”‘s tryin’ to sneak off on his own, eh?? I knew it. I fucking knew it.

A clock’s chime was added in the dub when “Tai” and Agumon are coming out into the hall. Nothing wrong with it; it’s actually kind of neat.

Taichi: “How long are you going to take? I’m sleepy, so hurry up!”
“Tai”: “I should have known it was YOU who was too afraid to go to the bathroom by yourself!”
Agumon: “This is strange. I ate so much, I thought it’d be a big one…”
Taichi: “If you’re not gonna go, I’m going back.”
Agumon: “Wait, Taichi, I’ll finish up!”
Agumon: “Tai, don’t be upset with me. I’m not afraid. I didn’t really have to go to the bathroom; I just came along because I have to protect you!”
“Tai”: “Then what are you doing in there?”
Agumon: “I don’t even want to talk about it, Tai.”
R.I.P., Agumon. He died as he lived: not poopin’.

Agumon: “All I can do is fart.”
Ogremon: (thinking) “it stinks IT STINKS IT STINKS IT STINKS IT STINKS”
Agumon: “For some reason, all I can do is fart!”
Ogremon: (thinking) “You gotta be kiddin’ me!”
[Ogremon bursts out of the stall]
Agumon: “I don’t know if that ugly green guy scared you, but he really scared me.”
Ogremon: *stifling laughter*
Agumon: “Who knows where he is now?”
[Ogremon bursts out of the stall having gotten the giggles out of his system]
Ogremon: “Now I am going to destroy you both.”
Agumon is trying to take a dump in the original, but it’s not working out no matter how hard he tries! As Ogremon quickly discovers, he does have something going on in there, and hiding in the stall next to him suddenly seems a lot less appealing.
In the dub, Ogremon is so considerate that he won’t even laugh out loud at Agumon’s embarrassment, even though it causes his face to contort in horror and turn blue. What a gentlemon!

[Taichi runs towards the bedroom, but Leomon cuts him off]
Taichi: “Leomon!
Devimon: “You should have just slept quietly.”
“Tai”: “Why do you hate me?”
Devimon: “He hates you because I commanded him to hate you!”
And because YOU’RE AN ILLUS– wait, if he’s an illusion, then Devimon should already know that…
No dialogue.
Agumon: “Get ready, Tai. Now the real trouble starts!”
And… Ogremon and Leomon are both there… So who’s disguised as Tai?
[Who’s that Devimon?]
Agumon: “He’s the strongest of the calamitous Digimon!”
Agumon: “He is [bad]! This is the guy who invented the nightmare!”
Devimon: “It’s time for the dream to end.”
Devimon: “I have no further use for this imaginary building!”
“Imaginary building”??? Well, that doesn’t make any sense!

In part because words mean things, and “imagination” is not the same thing as “illusion”. One happens inside your own head, the other happens outside. Everyone saw the building; it was an illusion.

[The entire dang house breaks up and disappears, awakening the children from their sleep. Devimon picks up their beds and floats them around a little. It not as relaxing as it sounds]
Devimon: “Because together you are strong, I will use my Touch of Evil to scatter you throughout the DigiWorld!”
Digital World, and are you telling me the house was an illusion, but this Tai is the real one?? That explains even less!
No dialogue.
Tai: “I hope this is a bad dream!”
Cod, you and me both, kid.
[Agumon is exhausted even though he ate so much]
Devimon: “Naturally. The food, the bath – everything was an illusion.”
Devimon: “The food, the bath, the building – none of it was real. I created all of it in your imagination.”
Did you create Tai’s empathy for other living things in our imagination, because what the hell happened there?
Taichi: “Why are you doing this to us?!”
Devimon: “Because you… are the Chosen Children.”
Taichi: “‘Chosen… Children’?”
Devimon: “Yes. You are nuisances to me. With my black gears, I plan to take over this world!”
Tai: “Listen, you! If you don’t bring back my friends, you’re going to be in really big trouble!”
Devimon: “That’s amusing. My concerns are much more important than your friends.”
Tai: “That’s my only concern! You bring ’em back now!”
Devimon: “‘Bring them back’? They haven’t gone anywhere, kid; they’re RIGHT THERE on their haphazardly floating beds! You impudent brat — you dare to order ME?! Allow me to show you who’s really in control here! You see, I have discovered the secret of the black gears from below! I call them forth to do my bidding!”
[Now the whole dang island is breaking apart!]
Devimon: “File Island has already been overtaken by black gears. The entire world on the other side of the ocean is next!”
Devimon: “You and your friends happened upon this tiny island, which is just one of the fragments of the old world scattered across an enormous ocean. You pretend you are strangers who know nothing of this, but I am aware that you are the DigiDestined, who were sent to rescue this world from my domination!”
Did you create that name in our imagination, too? Because that is a stupid name.
Taichi: “The other side of the ocean? Is there more to this world than this island?”
Devimon: “You won’t be seeing it, because this spot will be your graves.”
Tai: “You got us all wrong! We were just some kids at summer camp who somehow got sucked into your world!”
Devimon: “Your little act no longer amuses me! It’s time to bring an end to the DigiDestined!”
Devimon, I think it’s time to take your medication.

Beast King Fist usually looks a lot more impressive

(00:02) Leomon runs over to Taichi, grabs him by the throat, and pushes him against the remainder of a wall. Agumon shouts, “Taichi!”
In the dub, they cover it up by replacing it with Leomon’s close-up and a shot of Devimon talking. Leomon has the added line:
Leomon: “Now the boy.”

[Leomon has Taichi by the throat]
Devimon: “It’s useless to struggle! You have no power left to evolve. Do it, Leomon!”
Devimon: “Once these irritating children are out of the way, nothing will be able to stop me! Now, do it, Leomon!”
XD That’s sad, Devimon.
[Leomon draws his knife]
Taichi: D:
Taichi: “HELP!”
Leomon: “Don’t waste your breath.”
Devimon: “What are you waiting for, Leomon?! Do it!”Leomon: “… do what? We never went over this part!”
[The bed Taichi had been sleeping on crashes near them, and his digivice falls off and hits Leomon’s foot. It begins to glow, and a shadow is expelled from Leomon’s back]
No dialogue.
Agumon: “The black gear! The light drove it out! Devimon no longer has control over Leomon!”
You might want to read that script again, Agumon. Leomon was evil-baptized — no gears were harmed in the making of Evil Leomon.

A very soft, mystical track plays when Leomon is freed from his possession in the original. I think it’s the base for Victory ~ Goodness Theme ~ (shouri ~ zen no TEEMU)「勝利~善のテーム」, but Goodness knows I’m not awesome at identifying or describing music! The dub does not use a special track for the occasion. Between that and all the added dialogue, the two are completely different scenes.

Tai: “I think you’re right! How do you feel, Leomon?”
Seriously, there’s no way this is the real Tai. The real Tai would never ask someone how they feel!
Leomon: “The evil has disappeared!”
Taichi: “What’s going on here?”
Leomon: (awed) “So you are the Chosen Children…”
Leomon: “I am free of Devimon’s powers!”
Tai: “Leomon, do you know what this thing is?”
Leomon: (straight to business) “I can tell you that for me, it is proof that you are one of the DigiDestined. The Digivices are powerless… in the hands of anyone else.”
So… that’s a “yes”…
Tentomon: “Leomon is helping us! We’re going to be fine!”
Leomon turns on Devimon]
Leomon: “Devimon, to use foul play against me… I won’t forgive it!”
[Ogremon lunges, strikes Leomon’s sword with his club, then calmly chats with him]
Ogremon: “Heheh… it looks like we’re destined to battle after all…”
Leomon: “Boy, leave this to me and run.”
Taichi: “But…”
Leomon: “Don’t dawdle!”
Devimon: “This isn’t over, Leomon, or have you forgotten your old friend?!”
Leomon: “Ogremon!”
Ogremon: “Here, Leomon! I brought you a scone!“
[Ogremon strikes, then casually chats]
Ogremon: “Your soft heart is your weakness. We will never join as allies, and you will never know true power.”
Leomon: “You may defeat me, but the DigiDestined will be out of your reach!”
Tai: “No!”
Leomon: “YES. GTFO. Go now!”
After Leomon breaks off the bit of cliff that Taichi was standing on and resumes his fight with Ogremon, Taichi calls his name a couple of times. In the dub, Tai yells:
Tai: “You can escape, too!”
Tai: “Be careful!”
And then Devimon just has to tell Leomon to “feel the Touch of Evil” one last time before I try to sleep tonight.
[Devimon reconvenes with his subordinates, including the newly re-evil-baptized Leomon]
Devimon: “Oh, well. I’ll get rid of them carefully, one-by-one.”
Leomon: “Defeat… the children…”
Devimon: “The DigiDestined survived our first encounter, but it won’t be the last — I can promise them that! They must not interfere with my plan. They must be destroyed! Will you do this for me, Leomon?”
Leomon: “Your every order… I shall obey.”
Seriously, Devimon, take your meds.
The Digi-Verdict
This episode was so weird script-wise – not because of any plot or character changes, but just because of the weird choices the writers made. Sure, we can excuse the kids calling the rock slide an “avalanche”, because people do that. Devimon should know the difference between an illusion and imagination, though. He’s not a kid; he doesn’t get a pass on that! And what was going on with Tai being all sensitive and caring all of a sudden? That’s way out of character for him; he’s the brash, reckless boy! And why aren’t the kids acknowledging the Digimon as “lifeforms”, or even their Digimon partners as monsters just like the ones they fight? They have no reason to believe they’re anything other than living, breathing creatures at this stage.
Speaking of Devimon: he is a big ol’, chatty weirdo in the dub, and that is not about to change. Personally, I adore it simply because it’s such a contrast to how creepy and unsettling he is in the original. Instead of a soft-spoken, mysterious villain, we get a hammy conspiracy theorist who thinks a group of children have plotted against him. Hell, if he hadn’t engaged them and told them what they were up to, he probably would have gotten a lot further with his evil plans!
Devimon aside, the humor in this one is kind of lacking, too – the intended humor, that is. The dub is often quite funny on purpose, but many of the gags in this episode don’t come with a decent set-up, so they just get thrown out there. See T.K.’s peanut butter and pickle pizza and Izzy’s chip alliteration when they were eating. On top of nothing leading into them, neither bit got a reaction from the other kids, so they had no resolution. Same with Joe’s “I hope they have a hot tub” remark. There was no context for it and nobody reacted to it, so the “punchline”… didn’t have any “punch”.
One of the best jokes was Mimi’s revelation that her gloves don’t match her dress, because that one actually has the context of her dub characterization, with which she can actually deliver that kind of spontaneous joke and have it land. AND she did get a reaction to it from Palmon, so it wasn’t left hanging like the others. And that joke wasn’t very good! We know the writers can do better, but they were pulling their punchlines for this one.
Though the jokes may fall and adaptations may be off, Devimon being a weirdo ham lends a rescue. I give it a D, for “derrière”, which have been hidden for all time.