Digimon Adventure S01E13

Angemon Awakens!

Angemon Awakens! (JP)
The Legend of the Digidestined (EN)

Original Writer: Satoru Nishizono
English Writer: Rebecca Olkowski and John Ludin

Original Airdates:
May 30, 1999 [JP]
October 1, 1999 [EN]

This is one of the oldest comparisons on the site and is due for revision.

Section: Summary

And the kids are finally done putzing around on File Island! This episode was particularly cut-tacular, mostly because of Ogremon. He likes to bludgeon people. And extend out of their bodies.

“DigiDestined” is still a stupid name for a group of prophecied heros.

Dialogue Deviation

No dialogue.
Leomon: “Kill the Chosen Children!”

T.K: “Hey! Let’s play a game with the baby Digimon!”
Leomon: “I am pledged to obey your command…”

Wait, really? OH BOY!

Leomon: “… Devimon.”

Wha- awwww… D: Nevermind; he wasn’t talking to us, guys…

(The babies are looking concerned.)
Takeru: “What’s wrong? Poop?”
Patamon: “Takeru, above us!”

T.K.: “Okay, so you don’t want to play a game!”
Patamon: “Leomon’s come back!”

Side Note

I don’t think I’ve pointed out yet that Patamon doesn’t always say his attack name in the dub — sometimes he just goes, “PAH!”

Dialogue Deviation

Ogremon: “Can you hear me, brat?!”
Ogremon: “Hello, you’ve got company!”

OH JEEZ. Is he being…?

Ogremon: “You’re hiding scared, aren’t you? Come out quietly!”
Ogremon: “You’re a nice little kid, aren’t ya? Get your hide out here so I can get a good look atcha!”

o_O Uuhhhhhhhhhh… I was hoping he was back to being polite, but I guess that answers that question.

Ogremon:”If you don’t come out, I don’t know what’ll happen to this guy!”
Ogremon: “’cause if you don’t, your little friend here is going to squeak his last squeak!”

Side Note

Last squeak, indeed! In the dub, there’s a short “bonk” sound effect added when Ogremon puts his club to the Poyomon’s head. I guess the editing team didn’t find anything out of the ordinary about a little “bonk” on a baby’s head, but it would have been nice if they’d considered that Poyomon is soft and gelatinous, so a club on his head wouldn’t make a “bonk” sound in the first place.

Dialogue Deviation

Takeru: “What do we do, Patamon?”
Patamon: *thinking* “(If I could force out the black gear inside Leomon, he should fight Ogremon for us… but… if I fail… In that case, can I protect Takeru?)”

T.K.: “Patamon, we gotta save him!”
Patamon: *thinking* “(Poor Leomon! I know he wouldn’t attack us if that stupid black gear didn’t have him under an evil spell! He’d come over to us. If only we could figure out a way to help him!)”

Patamon’s “he’d come over to us” line is said as though it was meant to be “he’d come over to our side”. The result is that it sounds like “he’d come over to arse“, which I find amusing.

Patamon: “I gotta protect T.K. from Ogremon… but he’s so big and I’m… not.”

Stay focused, Patamon!

Leomon: “Kill the Chosen Children!”
Leomon: “I’ve been commanded by my master to take the DigiDestined!”

Oh, that doesn’t sound so bad. Where to?

Side Note

They replayed a small section of the footage after the commercial break, and they didn’t rearrange it or screw up the dialogue! Yay!

Dialogue Deviation

Takeru: “Big brother!”
Yamato: “You okay?”

T.K.: “You came in time!”
Matt: “That was close!”

Ogremon: “Garurumon! He was nearby?”
Ogremon: “Now you’ve done it! This little guy’s gonna get squished!”

(Taichi has taken the baby!)
Taichi: “I’m taking this kid back!”
Ogremon: “What? Aah, you!”

Tai: “He’s staying with us!”
Ogremon: “Over my stinky armpits he will!”

And then he raises up his arm, exposing his armpit. Thanks, Ogremon.

Taichi: “Your opponent is… Greymon!”
Tai: “Oh, I’m so scared! Get him, Greymon!”

Ogremon: “Gyeehh!!! You singed my magnificent hair!!”
Ogremon: “Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to play with fire? Someone could get hurt, namely me!”

Yay, fire safety!

Ogremon: “I’m pretty strong when I fight fair-and-square! Here I go!”
Ogremon: “Now, to educate you! I’ll show you who’s the head honcho on this island!”

Yeah, pretty sure that’s Leomon.

Section: Cut or moved footage
Or maybe they cut it because Ogremon practically wears a mini-skirt, and that is not a good angle for a mini-skirt.

(00:01) A short cut of Ogremon hitting Greymon with his club. It’s cut pretty cleanly in the dub so he looks like he’s just jumping closer to Greymon. It must have been cut because Ogremon just lectured Greymon on safety, and we can’t let him look like a hypocrite, running around clubbing people on the noggins.

Or maybe they cut it because the perspective on his leg looks really bad as a still. I know perspective isn’t easy and it almost always looks goofy in 2D, but damn!

In the dub when he lands, he adds, “I could fight you blind-folded!”

(00:03) Ogremon uses Supreme King Fist and hits Greymon right in the face.

Lookin' good, Ogremon!
BAM right in the face!

Actually, having seen this cut right after the previous one, it is weird that they’re cutting Ogremon’s attacks but no one else’s. Maybe because he keeps aiming for the head/face?

Dialogue Deviation

Yamato: “Wh-what the…?”
Matt: “The black gears!”

Yamato: “This is bad! Run, Garurumon!”
Matt: “No! Turn back, or he’ll beat you to a pulp!”

Listed because that’s an awkward way of saying things. o.o I know they have to match up the mouth movements, but still…

Section: Cut or moved footage

(00:01) Leomon’s Beast King Fist hits Garurumon dead-on and knocks him back into the cliffside. Some rocks fall down on him.

Again, it’s kind of weird that this footage was removed, since it showed Leomon’s attack hitting him and knocking him back, and in a following shot, we can see Garurumon over Leomon’s shoulder covered in some rubble. So we know rocks fell on him anyway, we just don’t see what happened.

Dialogue Deviation

(After Garurumon gets pwned)
Yamato: “GARURUMON!”

Matt: “Are ya okay?”

Listed because yeah. I’m sure that’s how Garurumon loves to start his day.

Actually, in the next shot with Garurumon in the rubble, he groans loudly and sounds more exasperated than hurt. Put it in the context of Matt’s line, and it’s potentially hilarious, although probably not intended (which is my favorite kind of hilarious). XD

Side Note

Okay, wait. Leomon just Beast King Fisted used Beast King Fist on Greymon, hit him directly in the face, and not a frame of it was cut in the dub. What the hell?

Dialogue Deviation

Taichi: “Greymon!”
Ogremon: “A-…amazing…”

Tai: “No, we need you, Greymon!”
Ogremon: “I told the guy not to play with fire!”

If only he had listened!

Devimon: *voice-over* “Kill the Chosen Children. The smallest child.”
Leomon: “The smallest child… kill him.”

Devimon: “I command you to bring me the Digidestined, starting with the smallest child!”
Leomon: “I am your humble servant and will obey you… Devimon.”

Do you have to keep reminding him, though? Wait, this is Devimon we’re talking about…

Patamon uses Air Shot twice and attempts a third before Leomon puts the squeeze on him.
He uses Boom Bubble once, then declares, “Oh no, it’s not working!” You can see the extra Air Shot hit Leomon (to no effect).

Side Note

This iteration of Prickly Bang Bang was changed to, “Wanna fight, how about a Prickly Bang soup?!”, which is neat in that it referenced the original name, and it sounds weird! Palmon is all about saying weird things that have nothing to do with anything else.

Dialogue Deviation

Takeru: “Patamon! Are you all right?”
Patamon: “Takeru… I’ll protect you…”
Takeru: “Patamon! Hang in there, Patamon!”

T.K.: “Patamon! You gotta take it easy, buddy!”
Patamon: “I’m sorry.”
T.K.: “What for?”
Patamon: “I was just tryin’ to protect you…”
T.K.: “And you were doing great! Don’t feel bad, little guy!”

Koushirou: “Taichi!”
Izzy: “Tai, you’re never going to believe this!”

That you rode into battle and what’s on your mind has nothing to do with the safety and well-being of your friends versus two powerful Digimon? I believe it.

Koushirou: “Use the power of the sacred device, the Digivice!”
Taichi: “The sacred device?”
(Mimi and Koushirou hold up their Digivices)
Mimi: “These things!”
Koushirou: “The sacred devices have the power to eliminate the power of darkness!”

Izzy: “We have the consummate solution to all of our problems!”

Not all of them…

Tai: “That’s cool, but what are you talkin’ about?”
(Mimi and Izzy hold up their Digivices)
Mimi: “Check ’em out!”
Izzy: “They call them Digivices. They have the capability to completely obliterate the black gear!”

That is not what Centarumon told you.

Taichi: “Now that you say it…” *flashback* “All right, in that case…”
Tai: “Then let’s give ’em a try.” *flashback* “We have no other choice right now. We have to take a chance and stop him!”

The flashback looks pretty out-of place with Tai’s lines.

Yamato’s protectin’ his bro like a bro.
Matt: “Don’t worry; I got ya covered, T.K.!”

Ha ha ha, imminent death!

Taichi: “Leomon! … You’re after us, right? Try and catch me!”
Yamato: “Taichi, what are you doing?!”

Tai: “Ready for a real fight? What are you waitin’ for, booger-breath?”

Now, Tai, that isn’t nice.

Tai: “Come on and get us, if you dare!”
Matt: “What’s up, dude?! Have you totally flipped out?”

Matt’s line is so appropriate. XD

Leomon: “The Chosen Children… kill them!”
Leomon: “I must do as I am commanded.”

We know.

Leomon: “Come here!”

No. >:(

Side Note

The background music in the original is pretty dramatic while Leomon is getting his darkness removed. The dub music isn’t bad; it doesn’t really stand out, but it keeps the serious “awe” tone for the scene.

Dialogue Deviation

Leomon: “I… I…”
No dialogue.

Ogremon: “Th-this is bad! These brats are…”
Ogremon: “How’d they do that?! Rotten kids!”

Kids these days and their holy powers and their magic, digital apparata…

Koushirou: “Your opponent is here!”
Izzy: “Ogremon, over here!”

And Ogremon compliantly turns to look. That’s one thing I love about some of the dub dialogue; the characters become discreetly courteous during battle as a result, but you wouldn’t really notice unless you looked at it next to the original dialogue.

No dialogue.
Kabuterimon: “You’ve just begun to see our power!”

Taichi: “We did it!”
Tai: “That’s bad!”


Ogremon: “You’ve got to be kidding me! I can’t fight against all of them alone!”
Ogremon: “Ha! Those little fools are kidding themselves! They don’t know who they’re dealing with! They’re gonna find out sooner than they think, ha ha!”

Then he runs away. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Ogremon.

Side Note

Original: the music under the tree is really peaceful. I know I suck at describing music, but it’s peaceful, damnit. Like, mellow and happy and stuff. It’s good music!
Dub: mysterious-ominous music.

Dialogue Deviation

Leomon’s explanation is pretty much the same in both versions, except for the “super powers’ descriptor used in the dub.

Taichi: “So that’s why you call us the Chosen Children.”
Tai: “Whoa, that’s amazing, but tell me: how can you be sure we’re the kids you’re talking about?”

Do you see any other kids around with holy devices that destroy evil power? No? Shut up.

Yamato asks for proof, too, that’s not just a Matt thing because of Tai’s question. The holy devices that destroy evil weren’t enough evidence in either version!

Leomon says “Digimons”, which will never stop sounding weird to me. O_o Other than that, though, his speech is spot-on.

(Koushirou/Izzy is saying they’ll be able to go home after saving File Island.)
Mimi: “What are you saying, Koushirou?”
Mimi: “And I’ll finally be able to change these clothes!”


Yamato: “But to do that…” *he looks off at Infinity Mountain*”
Matt: “How can we make it happen? We’re not even sure who’s causing it! What if it’s a force that’s too big for us to handle?”

Maybe Matt was out of earshot every time Devimon’s involvement was mentioned…

Taichi: “Let’s do it, everyone! If we don’t defeat him, we can’t survive here!”
Koushirou: “You’re right. Besides, we have the sacred devices!”
Mimi: “Mimi will do her best, too! I’m scared, but I want to go home!”
Palmon: “We’ll do our best, too, Mimi!”
Tentomon: “Our stamina has recovered, too.”
Agumon: “I’m okay to battle any time!”
Gabumon: “Let’s go, Yamato! To Infinity Mountain!”
Yamato: “Yeah. It has to be done.”
Leomon: “I will cooperate as well.”
Taichi: “All right! It’s decided!”

Tai: “Let’s go for it!”
(Everyone grunts in disapproval. XD)
Tai: “Come on, everyone, why not? If we don’t defeat him, it’ll never be over!”
Izzy: “Fine with me! Besides, it’s impossible for us to lose with the Digivices!”
Mimi: “First thing on my list, when I get home, is to do some killer shopping!”
Palmon: “For that to happen, we have to get you back home!”
Tentomon: “If we all work together, we’re sure to win!”
Agumon: “I’m ready any time you are, buddy!”
Tai: “Mm-hmm!”
Gabumon: “How about it, Matt? Are we up to the challenge, my friend?”
Matt: “It’s gonna be tough. When you get down to it, we have no other choice.”
Leomon: “All right, then, troops, let’s get to it!”
Tai: “Far out! It’s a done deal!”

Side Note

Now that Leomon has finally gotten enough lines for his voice actor to showcase his talents, we can tell that he’s totally awesome! You’d never even guess that he started out so “stiff” when he was introduced in episode eight (and who knows; maybe that was a voice direction decision rather than the actor himself).

On that topic, Ogremon’s sounding pretty good with his acting, too. His voice sounds kind of dopey in some areas, but it works with his dub characterisation and the dialogue he’s given. :3

Dub Leomon… grunts… while he paddles. He did not in the original, but whatever, he doesn’t make it sound weird. Remember the newer Dragonball Z and Sailormoon dubbed episodes? Remember how those people grunted? Let’s appreciate what we have!

Dialogue Deviation

Leomon: “Devimon is very powerful. He’s brought nothing but trouble to File Island. We must be careful.”

We already knew that, but thanks. In the original, nobody says anything until it cuts away to Devimon, which is kind of weird when you think about it. You’d think they’d be hitting Leomon up for info on Devimon, so the added line makes sense.

Devimon: “I’ll have to fight them myself now… before ‘he’ appears.”
Ogremon: “Give me one more chance!”
Devimon: “Yes, I’ll let you fight… as a part of me. Death Claw!”

Devimon: “Perfect… that traitor Leomon is leading them directly into my trap.”

That is the opposite of what is happening in every way.

Devimon: “He has been very valuable to me.”
Ogremon: “I guess so, but I’m loyal and better-looking!”

Can’t argue with the facts!

Devimon: “Rrr, listen to me! You will pay them one final visit! Ready?!”

Section: Cut or moved footage

(00:01) Devimon uses Death Claw on Ogremon, grabbing him by the neck. He chokes him in ther air for a moment before he turns into black gears. Snipped in the dub, and you can see the blur of Devimon’s hand reaching for Ogremon, and then it cuts straight to Ogremon turning into black gears.

Death Claw is supposed to grab his opponent's heart, though. Is Ogremon's heart in his neck? Does Devimon need an anatomy lesson?
We may never find out.
Dialogue Deviation

Devimon: “Come to me, powers of darkness! I’ll turn this file island into your graves, Chosen Children!”
Devimon: “*laughs* Hear this, Digidestined! My power is infinite! Your hopes and dreams are useless! I am the supreme master of this island! If you dare to defy me, I will unleash the powers of the universe and conquer you! You can’t escape!”

O_o DAYUMN. Devimon is hardcore!

Birdramon: “The powers of darkness are gathering.”
Jou: “What?”
Ikkakumon: “The fight must be starting already.”

Birdramon: “Big trouble is brewing. We’d better get ready for action!”
Joe: “Black gear!”
Ikkakumon: “This is going to be the big one, Joe! It’s time to show your true self!”

I like how Joe yells out, “Black gear!” for no reason.

Sora: “Let’s hurry!”
Jou: “Yeah!”

Sora: “You feeling okay, Joe?”
Joe: “Just a little seasick!”

Sounds like Joe’s “true self” is about to end up all over the back of Ikkakumon’s head.

Section: Eyecatch

It’s fine – he can just dip underwater to wash it off

Dialogue Deviation

Taichi: “What’s that?!”
Tai: “Can’t turn back now!”

You’re not even trying.

Palmon: “Why is he that big?”
Koushirou: “Could it be an illusion like before?” [He’s referring to the house, food, and bath in episode eight.]

Palmon: “I didn’t expect him to be such a big guy!”

You’ve seen him before.

Izzy: “Bad guys always seem to think bigger is better!”

Oh, yeah, but your Digimon shrink when you need to win a battle!

Original Leomon explained that Devimon used the power of darkness to become huge. Dub Leomon just said that Devimon’s power is immense.

Devimon: “All of you are destined to be destroyed here!”
Devimon: “Don’t expect me to play silly games with you; I’m far too wise for that!”


Sora: “Everyone, evolve right now!”
Sora: “Look everybody, there’s no time to waste! We’ve got to strike right away!”

Listed because it left out the order to evolve. The line itself is good.

Oh, for the love of… I forgot that the characters feel the need to say inane things after their respective Digimon evolve.

Yamato: “We’re counting on you, Garurumon!”
Matt: “Let’s turn this guy into pudding!” (EVIL PUDDING)

Koushirou: “Please, Kabuterimon!”
Izzy: “My biology teacher would love this!” (if Kabuterimon were biological and not digital)

Mimi: “Do your best, Togemon!”
Mimi: “I do like the way our colors match!” (… is Mimi colorblind?)

Devimon: “You think such attacks would be effective on me?!”
Devimon: “Your attacks are pitiful! I’m afraid you’ll have to try harder than that!”

Side Note

And now Prickly Bang Bang is “So, you want a Needle Spray, do ya? Aaaaaah!”

No, I do not want a Needle Spr– NO NO NOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! DX

Dialogue Deviation

(Leomon attacks Devimon from behind.) No dialogue.
Leomon: “You’re mine, now!

Ogremon: “You’re naïve, Leomon!”
No dialogue.

Section: Cut or moved footage

(00:11) After popping out of Devimon’s back and surprising Leomon, Ogremon clubs him right on the head! He taunts Leomon for thinking that he’d be able to strike Devimon in the back before sinking back into Devimon’s body, re-emerging moments later from his calf. He explains that he has become one with Lord Devimon.

Dialogue Deviation

Ogremon: “There’s no way I can lose to you now anymore!”
Ogremon: “You got no chance against the likes of us, kitty cat!”

  ^  ^

Side Note

The black energy that hits Leomon in this scene is Ogremon’s Supreme King Fist (modified by Devimon’s power, of course). He doesn’t say an attack name in the dub, though, and the footage doesn’t show him using the attack, so it could be uncertain to dub-only watchers from where exactly the attack came.

Dialogue Deviation

(Devimon is holding Birdramon over his head and I swear he looks like he’s going to eat her, even though you can’t see his face — it’s just the angle is perfect for that!)
No dialogue.
Devimon: “You’re not worth my time!”

Killing your arch-nemeses isn’t worth your time?

(He decides not to eat her and throws her away.)
Devimon: “Don’t struggle!”
Devimon: “Out of my sight!”

Don’t waste food, Devimon.

Dub Devimon adds, “You’re next!” when he approaches Jou and Ikkakumon.

Takeru: “No way! Nobody can compete with him!”
T.K.: “Oh boy, there’s nobody left! What do we do, Patamon?”

Side Note

Devimon: “They say the smallest will destroy me, but I’m not going to let that happen!”

Well, in the Japanese version, Takeru is identified as “the smallest Chosen Child” a few times with implied significance, but it’s not outright stated that there’s a prophecy behind it, or that the smallest one will be the one to defeat him. The dialogue works well in the dub, though, given how they portray Devimon.

Dialogue Deviation

Devimon: “Death Claw.”
Devimon: “Don’t move! Make it easy on both of us!”

Yeah, don’t be difficult!

Devimon: “Worth…less… beings!”
Devimon: “You seem to forget: I AM DEVIMON, supreme master of this island! I have power over all Digimons! No one can bother [?] me!”

I actually cannot hear that one word out of his last sentence. It sounds like “bother” to me, but it doesn’t sound quite right. If anyone would like to enlighten me and my poor hearing, let me know~!

Greymon: “S-sorry… Taichi…”
Togemon: “I wanted to send you back to your world… but…”
Kabuterimon: “My power…”
Ikkakumon: “Damn it!”

Greymon: “Whoa, that guy knows how to… take it out of ya…”
Togemon: “I can’t move… even my needles feel numb…”
Kabuterimon: “Now is probably not a good time to take a nap!”
Ikkakumon: “Uhhhrrrrrrrr…”

A sad scene turned humourous. Ikkakumon’s groan at the end is kind of funny, like he wants to participate in the dialogue part, but he just doesn’t have a joke to bring to it…

Yamato: “Ta-takeru!!”
Matt: “Hey, get ready to run!”

Yeah, that’ll help.

Side Note

Another music note. The music in this whole scene is just so sad and desperate in the Japanese version, and when little Patamon is doing his damnedest to drive Devimon away to no avail, it’s like, “NOOOOOO POOR PATAMON! ;o;” It’s such a great scene.

The dub has some intense battle/danger/UH OH music going on, which is fine for the dub purposes, but it ends up removing the emotion of the scene and kills the climax.

Dialogue Deviation

Patamon: “It’s no use… These attacks aren’t working! … Why only me? WHY CAN’T I EVOLVE?!”
Patamon: “What do I do? T.K.’s in danger; I’ve got to protect him! … I don’t understand it, it isn’t working. Oh, why can’t I digivolve?”

Patamon: “TAKERU!!”
Patamon: “I’ll save you, T.K.!”

Yamato: “TAKERU!!”
Matt: “Hang on, pal!”

AGAIN with the inappropriate timing on telling someone to hang on!

Sora: “The evolution light!”
Sora: “It’s Patamon! He must be digivolving!”

Thanks, Sora.

Side Note

As with most of the digimons’ (HA HA HA, possessive plural!) Adult forms, original Angemon’s voice sounds like Patamon’s (both forms are played by the same voice actor), but more mature and with an echo added to it. It’s only slightly deeper than Patamon’s voice.

Dub Angemon has a different voice actor than Patamon and thus sounds completely different. His voice is manlier! It’s actually kind of jarring when you’re used to the Japanese version, but I think he’s a good fit for Angemon.

The music in the “everyone’s gawking at Angemon” is Brave Heart in the Japanese version, and some evil-sounding-meets-awe confused music in the dub. Seriously, that’s the only way I can come up with to desribe it.

Dialogue Deviation

(Everyone’s staring at Angemon‘s butt)
Sora: “Angemon…”
Sora: “That’s super-coooool!”

Yamato: “That’s… Takeru’s digimon?”
Matt: “Not bad. That little guy really had it in him!”

Mimi: “Just like an angel…”
Mimi: “Nice hair. Good colour!” (HA! Angemon’s hair colour is similar to Mimi’s. XD)

Takeru: “Patamon evolved!”
T.K.: “I wanna take him home with me!” (Uhhh… this is still a kids’ show, right?)

Devimon: “You… it was only a little more…”
Devimon: “What’s this, another foolish attempt?!”

This is that “smallest will destroy me” business you were going on about, remember?

Angemon: “I will eliminate your powers of darkness!”
Angemon: “The forces of good are more powerful. Even you can’t stop us!”

Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. Oh, wait…

Angemon: “Come to me, holy power!
Angemon: “I’ll destroy you and bring peace to the island!”

Yes, we know. Get on with it!

Devimon: “Wh-what are you doing?!”
Devimon: “That light is so bright! What are you doing to me?”

Listed for the bright light thing.

Devimon: “Stop! If you do that, you won’t be safe either!”
Devimon: “Stop it! I’m not going to allow you to take my power away! You’ll have to fight me!”

He is fighting you… with brightness!

Angemon: “But there’s no other way… even if my body becomes destroyed.”
Angemon: “I’m afraid I have no other choice. If I can help others, my fate is unimportant!”

Listed because the dialogue is correct with regards to the original, and it has no business being correct in this part of the dub because no one has suggested to Angemon that he’s screwed. Of all the times to stick to the translated script, this probably wasn’t the best one.

Speaking of accurate translations, Angemon’s next line (Devimon’s powers have gotten out of hand, etc.) is good, too, but he adds, “I am ready to fight for peace!” to the end of it.

XD When Original Ogremon hits Angemon’s weapon, he gets repelled through Devimon’s body and yells, “Excuse me!” They didn’t put this in the dub.

(Bye, Ogremon!)
Devimon: “Damn!”
Devimon: “Now you’ve done it!”

[Devimon: “That was my last Ogremon!”]

Takeru: “Angemon!”
Angemon: “I’m sorry, Takeru.”

T.K.: “Be careful!” (seriously?)
Angemon: “I’ll get him. Relax.”

HA! T.K. got told!

Devimon: “I’ll crush you to death!”
Devimon: “Come here, pretty boy!”

I love Dub Devimon. He’s so kooky!

Side Note

Angemon’s attack, “Heaven’s Knuckle”, become “I’ll stop you! AIEEE!” in the dub. So poetic…

Dialogue Deviation

Devimon’s dying words to Angemon are pretty much exactly correct, but he did add in a suggestion that Angemon should not savor his victory. Well, Angemon’s dying. He won’t be savoring anything.

(Is the egg Angemon’s?)
Gabumon: “Angemon is starting over one more time as an egg.”
Gabumon: “I know it is! He’s just resting for a while to regain his strength!”

Yeah, he’s not dead, he’s “just resting”. Well, Angemon isn’t dead right now; he’s in the egg, but you get the idea! Angemon died, he’ll be reborn. He’s not “resting”.

Takeru: “I’ll take care of you.”
T.K.: “I will make sure to take really good care of him! You saved my life, Angemon.”
Sora: “Huh?”

… okay, so Sora’s “huh” was actually directed to the pieces of the island coming back together, but the timing of it sounded like it was a response to T.K., and it’s more entertaining that way! XD

Koushirou: “The powers of darkness that destroyed this island have disappeared!”
Izzy: (he couldn’t sound more smug about it if he tried) “Exactly! Devimon’s been defeated. The evil is eliminated, the island reverts to its normal state!”

“Yes, Sora. I can explain why that is without having to be a dick about it.”

Ogremon: “Devimon is…? Was he defeated?”
Leomon: “That’s right. Shall we fight again?”
Ogremon: “N-NO MORE!!!”

Ogremon: “With Devimon out of the way, I can take over now!”
Leomon: “Hello, you forgettin’ about me?”
Ogremon: “LEOMON!! GET ME OUT OF HERE! Why can’t the bad guys ever win?”

Mimi: “I don’t want to fight again! I’ve had enough!”
Mimi: “I don’t want to have to fight again! Ooh, I think I broke a nail.”

It’s almost over… hang in there…

Old Man Hologram: “Oh, these are the Chosen Children?”
Taichi: “No way… this guy…”

Tai: “Excuse me, sir, tell us, who are you, and what do you want?”

Oh, since when is Tai ever that polite? Polite Tai is no substitute for Polite Ogremon, Saban. Nice try!

Final Result

Total Footage Kept

99%. Phew! That’s it for the Devimon arc! Who is this mysterious old dude coming from the projector? Does he have cookies? Find out next time, on this Digimon thingy!


You might have notice a piece of trivia that was on the old review is gone! This is because I could never verify the information, and it’s somewhat out-of-place on an episode comparison – we’re here to compare the dub and original, provide information for context relevant to the changes, and say dumb stuff (my specialty!). Neat as it might be, we’ll leave the bonus details to sites where it’s more relevant!

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